The HLG International Journal Lex of Research and Analysis is open to receiving original and unpublished manuscripts from academicians, authors, legal professionals, and law students in the following categories:
I. Long Articles (3000-6000 words, excluding footnotes)
Submissions in this category should thoroughly explore a specific topic by critically engaging with its literature and current practices. Authors are encouraged to identify openings, offer new assessments, and provide thoughtful recommendations. Theoretical discussions are also welcomed in this section.
II. Essays/Short Articles (1500-3000 words, excluding footnotes)
Essays or short articles should focus on a specific issue, providing fresh viewpoints and critical analysis. These pieces should present well-defined arguments and may introduce alternative ways of conceptualising the chosen topic.
III. Case Notes / Analysis and Legislative Comments (1200-2500 words)
This category includes evaluating recent judicial decisions, legislative measures, or policy proposals. Case notes should track relevant case developments and discuss their implications for the field of law. Similarly, legislative comments or policy analyses should examine the purpose and potential impact of the legislative or policy changes under review
Submission Guidelines
I. General Instructions Both long and short articles must include an abstract.
- A maximum of three authors is permitted for each submission.
- Submissions must be original and previously unpublished. They should not be under consideration by any other journal. Any plagiarism will lead to immediate rejection by publication in HLG(IJLRA).
- The authors are fully responsible for any legal issues ‘that may arise’ from their manuscript, including ‘matters related to copyright infringement, defamation, objectionable content, or contempt. Authors will be liable for any loss resulting from violation’s copyright or other legal rights.
- Although each category has its word limit, the journal may exercise some flexibility based on the quality and content of the submission.
II. Manuscript Format
- The first page must include ‘the title of the Topic, ‘the names of authors’, their institutional affiliations, and the abstract.
- The ‘main text of the manuscript’ should start on the second page.
- The ‘names of the authors, ‘and their institutional affiliations must be clearly stated in the manuscript.
- The body of the manuscript should be formatted in Times New Roman, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10, with 1.0 line spacing. Headings should follow a consistent formatting style.
- Both the text and footnotes must adhere to the citation standards of Bluebook 19th or 20th Edition.
III. Submission Process
- All submissions must be made via the Google Form link provided by the journal
- Once submitted, the manuscript becomes the property of HLG(IJLRA). Accepted articles may be republished or cross-published by the journal without requiring further consent from the author(s).
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